
worship ministry

Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:00 AM

Sunday morning is a time for the body to worship God and encourage one another in our relationship with God and each other.

Our praise band points us to Jesus using music, scripture, and video, culminating in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

We will deliver a Bible-based, Christ-centered message that relates to real people living real lives.

Serve in Sound & Media

Do you have an ear for music and enjoy being behind the scenes? Then the sound ministry is for you! We are willing to train the right person.

Are you intimidated by computers and pushing a button? If not, then consider joining the Media Moguls team. They are the ones that run the slideshow each Sunday morning for the praise music and the sermon notes. It’s not as hard as it looks. You can be trained in a couple of sittings. Plus, you get to sit in the sound booth and look really cool.

To serve in either area, contact grayson@lakeshoreschurch.com